For When Your Mama-Heart Feels Broken

I remember the first Valentine’s Day after losing my brother to suicide (a story I'll share another time). The kids and I were making heart-shaped sugar cookies and one of them broke into pieces. I remember feeling like that cookie; broken beyond repair.

It was hard for me to be a wife and mom during that time. I just wanted to curl up in a ball. I felt guilty, angry, anxious and incredibly sad. My feelings were choking the life out of me, and without me even realizing it or meaning to, they were choking the life out of my little family too.

For good or otherwise, mothers set the tone in the home. One of our most important jobs is for us to build connections and form deep relationships with our kids. But how can we do this feeling hollow and empty inside? A broken heart makes filling into others so difficult.

I know I’m not the only mama who has felt herself drowning in feelings at one time or another, so today I thought we could have a heart-to-heart about finding...

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