A Challenge to the Unexpected Homeschooler

Uncategorized Apr 03, 2020

~By Heidi

“You were made for such a time as this.” I’m writing these words to all of you during these crazy COVID-19 days, but today, I want to especially write them to the mom and dad who’ve been thrown into the unexpected world of homeschooling.

Throughout our homeschooling journey the response I hear when people find out we homeschool is, “Oh, I could never do that”, "I just don't have the patience". But you, you who taught your child how to use the potty, tie their shoes and ride a bike, why do you feel you can’t teach them about the adventures of the wild west or the accomplishment in learning how to read? 

You don’t need a teaching certificate on the wall to prove you know how to love. And that’s all homeschooling really takes. Love is courage and patience and selflessness (and more) all rolled into one. Love is all of these in action. And I’d be lying if I told you I was capable of any of these things – just ask my family. I’m living proof that love doesn’t come from me. It comes only from the overflow of the Holy Spirit. And that, my friend, only comes from abiding and surrendering. I promise you, if you spend time with Jesus and surrender your will to His, you will be able to do anything, including homeschool your kids.

You may not have chosen this.

But God has chosen you.

I can only imagine how Esther was feeling before she went to the King. Anxious, afraid, small, and uncertain – overwhelmed with all of the feelings. I am challenging you today with these words. “You were made for such a time as this. . . .” Put your name alongside Esther’s and claim these words. “God made me, (insert your name here), for such a time as this. Let these words spark fires of creativity, smolder patience, and smother your fears. Let them fan the flames of hallowed courage that you know couldn’t have come from you. Now is not the time to remain silent and stay small. Now is the time to step out in courage and live large and fearless.

Be real and acknowledge all the feelings and emotions swirling inside your heart and then hand them over to Jesus, knowing with certainty that He will be beside you. Let go and let God, as the saying goes. Sure, you don’t have any guarantees with how this will turn out. But He gave you these kids; He gave you this moment. Lean into Jesus and embrace this extra time you have with your precious kids because you (my friend) were most assuredly "made for such a time as this”.

xo, Heidi


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